Raspa Magazine
Identity, Magazine Design
Raspa Magazine is a response to the paucity of queer Latino literature readily available to readers. It is a queer literary magazine that focuses on the Latino perspective. Raspa intends to showcase the experience of queer Latino artists, thereby providing a better understanding for ourselves as peers and for those outside of our community. Raspa Magazine was started in Austin, Texas by César Ramos in the fall of 2012. The design of the magazine is simple and sophisticated, avoiding traditional Latino and queer stylistic stereotypes. The magazine branding is meant to reflect a new generation of writers and artists and create a platform for an often ignored or pigeonholed group.
Photography by César Ramos
Issue six front cover

Issue Six back cover

Issue six

Bureau of General Services - Queer Division, New York

Business cards

Issue Two cover
Issue Two cover
Issue Two title page
Issue Two title page
Issue Two inside spread
Issue Two inside spread

Issue five

Poetry reading at Tomo Studio, Houston, 2016, Photo by César Ramos
Poetry reading at Tomo Studio, Houston, 2016, Photo by César Ramos
Poetry reading at Bureau of General Services - Queer Division, New York, 2014
Poetry reading at Bureau of General Services - Queer Division, New York, 2014
Poetry reading at Bureau of General Services - Queer Division, New York, 2014
Poetry reading at Bureau of General Services - Queer Division, New York, 2014
Editor: César Ramos
Poetry Editor: Mónica Teresa Ortiz