Raze Collective
Typography, layout, photo post-production

The queer creative community working in nightlife—such as performance, music, and clubs—was already going through many challenges before COVID-19 and lockdowns in 2020. This report by Mark McCormack and Fiona Measham goes into the impact, challenges, and opportunities for change in queer London nightlife. Through research and interviews, the writers were able to gauge the impact that COVID-19 lockdowns had on the LGBTQ+ nightlife community.

Zavala was contacted through Raze Collective, a part of Queer Arts Consortium, to help with designing a digital PDF and print version of the report. Photography was contributed by Lucy Hayhoe based on her artistic research on queer spaces. Zavala retouched the images to unify the colour palette, emphasising indigo and magenta, and add prism effects.

From the Forward by Amie Lamé:
"This important research highlights that the challenges that LGBTQ+ nightlife faced before the pandemic have been amplified by COVID-19, and provides a hugely valuable contribution to what is yet a limited field of research. London’s LGBTQ+ nightlife is a vital part of the identity of our city, and it is only by ensuring as many voices as possible are heard that we will understand its true value."

Download the free PDF here.
Report authors: Mark McCormack and Fiona Measham
Photography: Lucy Hayhoe with post-production by Sixto-Juan Zavala